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  • At World Tae Kwon Do College, we adhere to the Tenets of Tae Kwon Do. We expect our students to incorporate the values explored through Tae Kwon
    Do into their daily lives. We encompass a diverse group of students. Tae Kwon Do is non-discriminatory, meaning it is open to all abilities and ages, male
    and female. Through the training at WTC, our students have noticed these benefits:

  • Exercises the entire body, creating balance and harmony, helping to grow, develop and preserve body strength.

  • Improves overall health and well-being.

  • Creates permanent links with body/mind memory through the patterns of forms, bringing the next level of difficulty through each passage of testing.

  • Does not require specialized equipment to practice.

  • Creates lasting health benefits, including, blood circulation, breathing, cardio vascular health, bone and muscle toning.

  • Creates an independence in children, giving them the confidence to grow from new experiences.

  • Encourages perseverance, confidence, and a positive attitude through practice and testing.

  • Encourages social interaction at home and in school.

  • Creates a community.

Through Tae Kwon Do, cultivating the higher ideals of moral excellence and virtue are achieved. The potential to improve all aspects of each individual’s being begins through the practice of Tae Kwon Do.

Tae Kwon Do Belts can be purchased from our supply store after joining  World Tae Kwon Do