World Taekwondo College


Welcome to World Tae Kwon Do College

Located in Denver, Colorado.
Here at WTC, we follow the philosophy of the World Taekwondo Federation, founded in 1973. In our daily classes, we teach a balance of forms, sparring, technique and character development. Master Yoon
encourages multi-level training, meaning, all students, from white belt to black belt train together during class time.


Taekwondo for Kids

World Tae Kwo Do College has an open training environment. We teach students of all ages.

  • World Tae Kwo Do College trains children 5 years old and up (Taekwondo for Kids).

  • World Tae Kwo Do College trains young adults and college students.

  • World Tae Kwo Do College trains adult students.

Super Martial Art Supply Store

Remember to get your new uniform and pads
from Store Taekwondo Denver Co in the Do Jang.